Volante Kart Cup 2024
Note; the post below has been translated with Google Translate.
UPDATE JUNE 3rd, 2024
A new date has been announced for the Kart Cup: Saturday October 12th, 2024
On Saturday, October 12th we will again organize the Volante Kart Cup 2024. This time it will take place at the Kartcentrum Lelystad, a beautiful outdoor track where you can enjoy it to the fullest! See https://www.kartcentrumlelystad.nl for more information and the house rules.
As we experienced last year, the Kart Cup is a fun event where there is also a fair amount of competition. In any case, the organization will do our best to make it a memorable event in which the inner person will also be well taken care of. Because we are celebrating our 15th anniversary this year, we will also be doing extra things, so don’t miss it!
We have more places available than last year because we don’t want to disappoint anyone, but be sure to register on time.

We have not tinkered much with the concept because the reactions last year were very positive.
It is a 2-hour endurance race between teams. These teams consist of at least 2 and a maximum of 4 people.
Since karting is quite physically demanding, it is preferable to have your team consist of 4 people.
At least one person per team must be a member of Volante or a 4th year HAN Automotive student. Introducers who are not Volante members or 4th year HAN Automotive students pay €10 extra per person.
NB; Unlike previous years, the minimum age of each participant is 16 years.
To be able to rent the track for our event we need at least 20 teams, but based on past experience we do not expect this to be a problem. We would like to receive all registrations before Wednesday, July 10th and then make the registration final.

The program looks like this:
11.30h: Walk-in/reception including lunch
12.30h: Briefing starts
13:00h: Qualifying practice
14:00h: Volante Kart Cup (2 hour endurance race)
16:00h: Drinks and snacks
16:30h: Award ceremony
18:00h: End of program
Don’t you want to miss Volante’s annual Kart event this year too?
Register today via the online registration form.
Participation costs 200 euros for a team consisting of Volante members or 4th year HAN Automotive students, with a surcharge of 10 euros per team member who does not meet this requirement.
So register quickly, we look forward to seeing you on October 12th!
The Volante Kart Cup 2024 is made possible by: