The chairman looks back
Note; the post below has been translated with Google Translate.
Due to the ongoing Corona troubles, we as an association do not dare to plan “real life” events yet. Afraid of disappointing again and having to suspend the planned event.
It makes us long for the old “normal”, in which we could organize an activity several times a year. Looking back at the activities, I checked how my role within Volante came about and what I was able to experience with our association.

In 2017 I was approached by our previous chairman Roel Mangnus to come and talk about participation within the board. During the Volante Kartcup of 2017, it soon emerged that it was a succession of the chairman.

The inauguration soon followed at another beautiful event, namely the Volante General Members Meeting 2017, which was organized at Van Amersfoort Racing. The racing stable from which great drivers emerge and of which Max Verstappen is undoubtedly best known.
Volante celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2018. Of course we could not just let this pass by and have therefore turned out a lot with a 2 day rally through the Eifel. An Event where I was only allowed to participate due to a double agenda booking. The enthusiasm of the participants was really fantastic and what a beautiful fleet had been conjured up.

The best event for me is the Kartcup of 2019. For this edition of the Volante Kartcup we have done everything possible to make the qualification as fair as possible. In addition to some extra contact moments, I was commissioned as chairman to give a nice introduction that day. However, this went a bit differently than I had planned, everything turned out to be staged, because I was picked up by my friends for my bachelor party before the event took place. A slightly different turn than planned and somehow it was a shame not to be able to participate in an event in which a lot of energy was once again invested.

We got the hang of it, because one successful event after another was shaken up. Our reunion in Lokaal99 on the HAN campus where we let guest speakers Wouter Karssen from Autoblog and Saskia Monsma from the HAN Master program tell their story.

Then Lightyear One, where we took a look behind the scenes at the electric car of the future, which has the largest range in kilometers.

And we went from the largest range in early 2020 to another beautiful electric giant. And by that we mean VDL Translift with the first series of Electric garbage trucks produced.
The next event was already ready, the ALV for 2018 & 2019 in combination with an incredibly interesting masterclass on hydrogen at the IPKW in Arnhem, but then came Corona… We don’t have to explain everything after that….
What we want to explain is that we are currently looking for succession in the board. Board members who want to continue the events after this corona pandemic as we are used to from Volante. Board members who will ensure that the membership base will be expanded even further and will generate new stories for the next batch.
Do you feel called upon to put together a nice team to organize fun events and to participate in the board of this cozy association, please feel free to contact us.