Report Volante Rally 2011
Note; the post below has been translated with Google Translate.
The 2nd edition of our Volante Rally was held on Saturday, April 9th, 2011.

In beautiful weather, 38 teams left from HAN Automotive. The participants first had the opportunity to view the university during the Open Day. After the instruction, the start flag fell and the special cars drove through the Arnhem area.
The participants
– 80 years of car history
– students from the last 50 years
– from all comfort to super sports
The participants were looking forward to it. Equipes arrived before 9.30 am. After coffee and cake, many took advantage of the opportunity to view the school. After the opening by Reinier, the participants were given an explanation by Paul about the route and the tests, after which a start was made from noon.
The routes were a bit more difficult to put together this year than in the 2010 edition. Bolletje pijltje still appeared in different versions, but people also had to read with an additional difficulty level, such as the longest route in an area without having to drive a road twice.

The tests this time revolved around pylons:
- a tennis ball must be moved from one pylon to another via a course
- stop as close as possible to a pylon where the rider had to ride blindfolded on the instructions of the navigator

The Rally ended after a beautiful day at a beautiful location, The Hunting Lodge in Rozendaal where the famous networking drink was on the program. The fact that for many teams participating was more important than winning was evident because starting number 1 was the last to arrive at the end point.
The results
- Gertjan Schuitemaker and Mark van der Geld with the Volvo 66 1.4 DL from 1977
- Willem van de Corput and Jasper van Ooijen with the Citroën DS ID19 from 1968
- Chris Westland and Jarno Spijker with the BMW 1602 from 1974

The most special car
The most special car was the Ford model A Pickup 1930 with which Gerard de Bruin and Henk Weijman participated.

Below you can see the pictures of the day!
The Volante Rally 2011 was made possible by: