Report Volante Kart Cup 2019
Note; the post below has been translated with Google Translate.
Saturday afternoon August 31st, 12:00h. Yes, the time has finally come, perhaps the nicest Volante event of the year, at least… in the paddock that is. It is the 6th and most warm edition of the Volante Kart Cup.

On top of the roof terrace of the “a la kart” cafe of Circuitpark Berghem, life is good and the buzz is going wild. At every table we chat, tell strong stories or go over the latest strategies.

After listening to the household announcements from Volante and the briefing by Erna from Circuitpark Berghem, the official program can start with the team presentation + photo at 1:30 pm. After this official ceremony, the qualification can start at 13:45h. Top favorites “VP Motorsports” and “AT-Designs” qualify for the first row. If this becomes a trend, then it looks like Mercedes vs. Ferrari in the Formula 1.
The 2-hour race starts at 2 p.m., at least 3 times per team the driver will be changed and there will be 2x a mandatory fuel stop.
The weather conditions seem to have a positive influence on the lap times, the fastest lap in 2018 was 1:00.187, in 2019 it was 58.532. The race pace seems to have improved in general, the field is closer to each other than in previous years.

The top 3, too, appears not to be a done deal. When “VP Motorsports” and “AT-Designs” compete for first place, “AT-Designs” is suddenly relegated to 8th place by a slow second fuel stop (force majeure) … but there is still time. To their surprise, the YACHT sponsoring team now rides in 2nd place, while they have always ended the 4 previous editions as the last player. For the closing of the 2019 edition we must turn to the second YER sponsor team.
The race will be flagged after two hours + two laps.
The 6th edition of the Volante Kart Cup of 2019 produced the following top 3:
- VP Motorsports
- AT-Designs*
*The prize for the fastest race lap went to AT-Designs with a lap time of 58.532
The incentive prize went to gate-keeper YER with the remark that they should continue, YACHT proves that it has an effect with a 2nd place as a result after 4 participations.

Circuitpark Berghem thanks for the fantastic organization and care of this event. Sponsors DETECH, YACHT and YER thank you for making this event possible!
Thanks to participants for the pleasant and sportive day, tell the stories and see you next year!
In addition to the qualifying and race results, a lap times overview is now also available below. For the better team analysis 🙂
The photos from Circuit Park Berghem and Arnoud Thomasse can be viewed below.
The Volante Kart Cup 2019 was made possible with help of: