Report ALV and autumn event Saker
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On October 12th, 2013, a large number of members gathered at Saker Sportscars in Etten-Leur for the Volante fall event.

On October 12, Volante linked its annual meeting to a company visit at Saker in Etten-Leur. As with all Volante meetings, networking is of paramount importance and with the large turnout people found each other quickly. The ambiance and hospitality of Saker also provided ample opportunity for this. The program started after a well-prepared lunch.
Reinier Regter opened the meeting for a full room for the last time and reported on the past year. Highlights of the past year and plans for the coming year have been presented. Chairman Reinier Regter and secretary Hans Vosbeek then closed the curtain. After a management period of 5 years each, resignation was required by law. The new chairman Roel Mangnus and secretary Sijmen Tielen were unanimously elected. Reinier and Hans are sincerely thanked with flowers and drinks for all the efforts they have made in recent years. They have been an important driver for the success of the Alumni Association to date! Roel Mangnus was able to close the meeting, we wish him and Sijmen every success in the coming years.
The minutes of the meeting can be read below:
After the meeting, Gerrit Meijer gave a presentation about the origins and current activities of Saker. Make racing affordable for a wide audience. Do a lot yourself, great quality, great reliability and an incredible amount of fun! Everything was viewed, even a few senior citizens folded into a Saker to experience the seating position. Agreements have even been made for a test drive. Soon an Alumnus in a Saker?
That networking is important for alumni was demonstrated by the particularly animated drink. Yearlings found each other, old and young shared experiences and vacancies and ambitions were exchanged. We thank Saker for the wonderful opportunity to view the company from the inside. It was a beautiful day again!
Photos of the day can be viewed below.
Photos ALV and autumn event Saker