Report ALV and autumn event HAN Automotive
Note; the post below has been translated with Google Translate.
On October 10th, Volante’s first year of association was closed with an autumn event. In addition to the General Assembly, there was a Speakers Corner and the opportunity to visit the labs. People could also inquire about the activities of the teams.
General meeting
After the reception, the General Meeting started.
An excellent turnout of around 30 attendees, varying in age and graduation year. In short: good representation. A report was made on a year of construction and 2 organized events. This shows that Volante is a lively association.
After some role changes in the board that were approved by an overwhelming majority, divorcing chairman Barend Lambrechtsen wished the association a good future.
Former electrical engineering teacher Mr. Dik thought the Volante initiative was exceptionally good and said he was proud of the association.
The minutes of the meeting can be read below:

Afternoon program
Off to the soup and the sandwiches. Here and there some introduction and then to the big reception. About 80 Volante members had come to Arnhem for the ‘Speakers Corner’. A number of retired employees also came to Arnhem.
Speakers Corner
Three speakers took a seat on an elevation and informed the public about a current topic. The discussion was not avoided.

TukTuk Battle
The first speaker, Paul Claessen, dealt with the TukTuk Battle: a competition for making TukTuk’s more sustainable. HTS Automotive Engineering won the Battle in India. You can view his presentation here again. There was also an ‘Cooperation’ exercise at the end.
The human in traffic
The second speaker, lecturer Joop Pauwelussen, dealt with people in traffic. He spoke under the motto “Car drives driver” about the possibilities and difficulties in helping people with systems and performing simulations for this.
You can review the presentation ‘Auto rijdt bestuurder‘ by Joop Pauwelussen.
Crisis management
The 3rd speaker, Peter Cornelis, discussed the topic ‘Crisis Management’. The defensive and offensive approach was very recognizable to all. View Peter’s presentation on crisis management here.
While changing the subject, members were well cared for with a snack.
Tour of the school
The transition to the next item was ushered in by a short talk from HAN-Automotive director Arthur Appelman.
He is proud of the HTS and Volante. Arthur thanked the speakers and Hillie Bruens and Ad van Son for the work they did for Volante. Everyone was invited to visit the school.
Visit to labs and teams
A tour through the practice rooms followed:
- Manager ARL-A (Applied Research Lab Automotive) Lejo Buning showed among other things the BMW with sensors for tire tests and also the hydrogen lab. He also discussed a number of internship and graduation projects carried out by students in the laboratory. This gave us a lot of concrete information!
- The HRT (Motor Racing team) and HART (Rally Team) showed their single-cylinder motorcycle, respectively the Rally car. Both teams explained their activities.
- To top it all off we were able to admire the result of the Go-4 Dakar project. This is not only the first self-developed HAN-Automotive license plate registered vehicle, but also a beast of an off-road vehicle that can take a beating. And that is still softly expressed.
Finally, there was a drink with snacks. Many of those present continued to network for quite some time.
The survey that we conducted shortly after the Volante autumn event was completed by quite a number of participants. You can read the summary in the pdf file.
Promote Volante!
Participants were generally satisfied. Just like the board, they expected a larger turnout. Although we use different channels to reach our graduates, that is quite difficult. We therefore hope that you want to continue to promote Volante within your own network and to motivate other graduates to become members and / or participate in activities.
Photos of the fall event can be viewed below! An impression of the day can also be seen in this Youtube compilation.