Volante GMM and presentation Ramon Drost 09-11-2024

Volante GMM and presentation Ramon Drost 09-11-2024

Note; the post below has been translated with Google Translate.

Dear Volante Members, 

After an earlier cancellation due to the busy summer period, we would like to invite you all to participate in the General Members Meeting and the presentation by Ramon Drost, F1 Race engineer. We will hold this in Utrecht, see the address at the bottom of the email, on Saturday, November 9th, 2024.

In his presentation, Ramon Drost will take us into the demanding and fascinating world behind Formula 1. As a former engineer at the Renault / Alpine team, he can tell us everything about the complex technology and tight organization required to organize more than 20 races per year all over the world. years with 2 cars. A perfect opportunity for us to get all the questions you ever wanted to ask answered.

The entire program looks like this:
12:00: Reception and lunch
1:00 PM: Presentation by Ramon Drost
2:00 PM: General Members Meeting
2:30 PM: Networking drinks
4:00 PM: Closing

The agenda for the AGM is as follows:

  • Opening
  • Adopting report of the previous AGM (07-10-2023) > see link
  • Occupation of current board
  • Review activities
  • PR & AC Committee
  • Member base
  • Finances
  • Cash Audit Committee
  • Any other business
  • Closure

In connection with the organization, we request that you register via this link.

The location of the AGM is:
Hofclub Utrecht (Industrial zone Lage Weide next to A2)
Niels Bohrweg 121
3542 CA Utrecht

There are currently two vacant board positions. We invite members to apply for these positions. You can answer a question in the application form.
If you would like to know more or register, please contact the board via our contact form.

We look forward to your arrival!

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